Timelapse Gallery

Welcome to my Timelapse section! Timelapse is a very special photographic technique, in which the camera stays on a tripod for a set of images on the same subject, for a period of time. It shoots every few seconds until we reach a large number of pictures. When these pictures put together, one after another, a video is created. A video has 25-30 images per second. This means that in this video the whole sequence of images are shown in few seconds. So, if we spend an hour or two to take the summary of images, they are shown in some seconds of video, like a fast forward of real life.

This technique is very useful for shooting a flower’s growth, the clouds as they move into the sky, the melting of an ice cube and generally for phenomena that need time to complete. For this reason timelapse is used a lot in science, to record visually long time experiments!

The next timelapses are samples from different projects and visits!

Minister Abbey in London from Mike Dedes on Vimeo.

Athens Acropolis Greece Timelaps from Mike Dedes on Vimeo.

Tower Bridge in London from Mike Dedes on Vimeo.

Acropolis From Filopappou from Mike Dedes on Vimeo.

Τήξη πάγου (Ice melting) from Mike Dedes on Vimeo.

Rights of use

All timelapse in this section, are under copyright license. This means that you can not download them and use them. You can share the page as it is, but you are not allowed to use any video.

When the project will be completed the Rights of use will change! At the present time the project is still running!

Here, you can find a short description of the CC types of Licenses.
License Creative Commons
The works of this page is granted with license Creative Commons Attribution to the Originator-No Commercial Use- No Derives 4.0 International .

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Rights of Use

The material of this page, are under Creative Commons Attribution to the Originator-No Commercial Use- No Derives 4.0 International license! This means that you can download it and use it, free of charge, without making any changes to the original work (No Derives)!
If you republish the original file:
you can not sell it!!!
• you should credit the creator (MikeDedes (or MikeD))
• provide the title and host URL of the work (www.mikededes.com)
• indicate the type of CC (Creative Commons) license Attribution to the Originator-No Commercial Use- No Derives 4.0 International (along with a link for others to follow - https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/licensing-types-examples/licensing-examples/#nd)
• keep any copyright notices intact.

Here, you can find a short description of the CC types of Licenses.

License Creative Commons

The works of this page is granted with license Creative Commons Attribution to the Originator-No Commercial Use- No Derives 4.0 International .