Exclusivelly in Daz 3D

You can find other products in DAZ-3D in my store page MikeD

New Product
Render or Image Product

- 30 % !€ 14.00€ 9.80

Sale ends in: 0 days 11 hours 33 mins 0 s
MikeD SKU: mdri-0001
Artists: MikeD, blackwings
Release Date: February 14, 2025

This is a collection of high quality edited renders of the ‘Girl in red, by the fountain’. The renders have been created for the product: ‘MD Sweet Ice Creams Props and Poses‘ and ‘MD Sweet Delight Expressions‘ for Daz Studio.

The collection includes the following 7 (.png) images:

  • MDSI 19 Camera (1) in 2560×1440(px)
  • MDSI 19 Camera (2) in 2560×1440(px)
  • MDSI 19 Camera (3) in 2048×2048(px)
  • MDSI 19 Camera (4) in 2000×2600(px)
  • MDSI 19 Camera (5) in 2048×2048(px)
  • MDSI 19 Camera (6) in 2560×1440(px)
  • MDSI 19 Camera (7) in 2000×2600(px)

You can see the samples of the images in low resolution in the promo section of the page.

All renders have been done in Daz Studio and edited in Photoshop. No AI except the de-noise filter.

Be ware! There is no refund for the images/renders as stated in Refund Policy.

All images are for personal use under the EULA of our site.

If you need any of these images in a higher resolution, or for a commercial use please contact us using the link in the footer for a custom order!


How can I download the digital product I purchased?>

There are many ways you can download a purchased digital product!

  • From the menu using MY ACCOUNT:
    • While you are logged in, click on 'MY ACCOUNT' menu at the right side of the menu bar.
    • On the left side of the 'MY ACCOUNT' page you will see a vertical menu. Click on the 'Downloads' button.
    • Here you can find a list of all the downloadable digital products you have purchased. Click the button with the digital product's name on the right side to download it.
  • From the product's page.
    • While you are logged in, navigate to the acquired product's page.
    • The 'ADD TO CART' button to the right of the main promo image has now became ''PURCHASED (DOWNLOAD)". Press it to download the product.

How can I install the downloaded 3D product into Daz Studio?>

  • First of all, open the Daz Studio and choose the base folder from the Content Library, in order to install the 3D product in that folder.
  • Now right click on an empty space of the container (the right space next to the folders hierarchy) of this folder and choose 'Browse to folder location' from the popup menu.
  • Open the folder you have saved the purchased product in another window.
  • Navigate into the product's zip file to enter into the 'Content' folder.
  • Select all subfolders and copy them or just drag them into the open window of the Content Library.
  • Now, you can navigate into the Content Library's pah: Runtime/Support and execute the .dsa file (or just drag it into the scene space of Daz Studio). This will (try) to update the database with the new product (Daz Studio database is a nasty thing).


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Exclusivelly in Daz 3D

You can find other products in DAZ-3D in my store page MikeD