Exclusivelly in Daz 3D

You can find other products in DAZ-3D in my store page MikeD

Render or Image Product

$ 21.99

Daz store:MikeD
Daz SKU: 90788
Compatible Figures: Genesis 9
Required Products: N/A
Compatible Software: Daz Studio 4.22
Release Date: July 6, 2023

Do your action renders lack realism? Do your warriors seem brand new and shiny and something is missing from the scene? Add blood and dirt layers to your action characters to give them life.

MD Blood ‘n Dirt for Genesis 9 comes with 5 blood and dirt geoshells, 5 corresponding materials, and 50 masks (5 Patterns for the Blood and 5 Patterns for the Dirt with 5 levels of intensity each) giving over 250 combinations in total. The blood can be dry, wet, or intermediate. An oil material comes as a bonus with the product. The product will give your figure the look of being fully covered with blood and dirt and not with drops of blood or open-wound blood. All maps and masks are at 4096 x 4096 resolution.

You can use the product’s geoshells to apply your own shaders like water/sweat, milk, ash, etc., giving your figure the look of rain-wet, sweaty, or volcano ash-covered, etc. It is time to give your action figures the dirty look they deserve.

Disclaimer: The blood and dirt layers on the clothes and on the props of the promos have been made with the MDBD Blood ‘n Dirt – Geoshell Manager script and are not included in this product!

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Exclusivelly in Daz 3D

You can find other products in DAZ-3D in my store page MikeD