Exclusivelly in Daz 3D

You can find other products in DAZ-3D in my store page MikeD

(Category: General Use)
(Difficulty: Easy to use, Common User)

This free script will show you information about IBM (format in the JSON files), Hex and RGB values of a selected color in DAZ Studio.

Run the script and select the color you want in the color widget or press SHIFT and click on the color widget to chose a color from your screen.

The information is auto copied to the clipboard.


For DAZ Studio version > and above


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Why do I need to login/register to take a free/trial item from the site?>

The site started having commercial activity from March 2024! In order to control the downloaded items\' traffic, even the free ones, the user have to register/login!

This material is given 'as it is'! There is no support or updates for the gifts!

Daz 3D free Studio

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Exclusivelly in Daz 3D

You can find other products in DAZ-3D in my store page MikeD

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The material of this page, is under Common Creativity (CC) Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. This means that you can download it and use it, free of charge, even make changes to the original work, as long as you share alike!
If you republish the original file or any derivatives:
you can not sell it!!!
• you should credit the creator (MikeDedes (or MikeD))
• provide the title and host URL of the work (www.mikededes.com)
• indicate the type of CC license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (along with a link for others to follow - https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/licensing-types-examples/licensing-examples/#nd)
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Here, you can find a short description of the CC types of Licenses.

The work of this page is granted with License Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.