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Animation is a video that is produced by a series of images. In the old times, animators used to draw these images by hand. In our days, PCs with special software produces these images (render). I made my images for my animations mostly with DAZ Studio and 3D Max and then I edited them in Adobe After Effects.
I have used many of them for my promos in many 3D products of DAZ 3D.
(Turn on the volume for the next one)
Daz 3D free Studio
 | Are you a New 3D Artist? Do you like 3D Art but you don't know where to start?  | | Daz 3D Studio, with 3Delight and Iray render engines. Get your own 3D Studio for FREE form Daz 3D! Start your journey in 3D world today! |  |
Daz 3D free Studio
 | Are you a New 3D Artist? Do you like 3D Art but you don't know where to start?  | | Daz 3D Studio, with 3Delight and Iray render engines. Get your own 3D Studio for FREE form Daz 3D! Start your journey in 3D world today! |  |
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• you should credit the creator (MikeDedes (or MikeD))
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The works of this page is granted with license Creative Commons Attribution to the Originator-No Commercial Use- No Derives 4.0 International .