You can find my products in DAZ-3Din my store page MikeD

This is the 3D Section of my site! Here you can find my 3D Renders collection, 3D gifts (Scripts and 3D Geometry), tutorials for the DAZ Studio for creators and users, and of course my DAZ’s Store products.


3D Products

Here you can find all my products, free and commercial (DAZ Store)!

MikeD Products



3D Gifts

Here you can find free products for DAZ Studio and other free 3D staff, like scripts. There are simple scripts and advanced scripts. In the “common use” area you can find any free script that can be use in DAZ Studio by the common user. In the “Advanced” section you will find free scripts that are addressing to the DAZ Content Creators (PAs) or other 3D advanced User.These gifts are under CC attribution.




3D Tutorials

This section contains tutorials about 3D. In the “Common User” section you can find useful tips and tutorials on DAZ Studio. These tutorials are addressing to the common user of DAZ Studio. In the “Advanced” section you can find tutorials, tips and workflows for 3D Creators and especially for DAZ PAs. Of course any advanced user can use them, if he makes his own 3D objects. for 3D Creators or PAs of DAZ Studio.




A 3D gallery of my work (mostly images), that I have rendered with LuxRender (Reality plugin) and Iray in DAZ 3D! Here are the best of my 3D Products’ promos and the best of my fun renders. You can use freely any image from these galleries, witch are under the CC attribution.

Daz 3D free Studio

Are you a New 3D Artist? Do you like 3D Art but you don't know where to start?

New 3D Artists Start Here

  Daz 3D Studio, with 3Delight and Iray render engines. Get your own 3D Studio for FREE form Daz 3D! Start your journey in 3D world today!

Create stunning 3D models for games


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